Try It

Practice saying one of the scripts below to tell someone about harassment at work or reword it.


“Dad, I need to tell you about something bad that is happening to me at work. My supervisor is asking me to come over to his house, and he is telling me that if I don’t come over, he is going to fire me. I feel really unsafe in this situation. Please help me.”


You could say something like “Hi boss. I need to talk to you about something important. I need to tell you that my coworker Rachel keeps singing a song to me that has a bad word about me in it. I’ve asked her to stop and she keeps singing it. Please help me.”


Script: “Hi. My name is Ruth and I need to talk to someone about something that is happening to me at work. I told my coworker to stop and he did not listen. I told my boss about it, but nothing happened and the problem is still happening. Please help me.”