How to Best Support You During Your Visit

Ask for materials in the format that works best for you. This can be in:

  • writing, a recording, a picture, or a video
  • Large print materials
  • American Sign Language (ASL)
  • Braille
  • Plain language

Some other examples of ways your health care team can support you are:

  • Share with them what causes you anxiety.
    For example, if seeing needles gives you anxiety, they will know to plan before your visit.
  • Share with them what makes you anxious or nervous. Things that make us anxious or nervous are also called “triggers.” If you have topics or words that make you anxious or nervous, they should avoid these during your visit.
    • Other triggers you should share could be any sounds, smells, bad memories, or things you see that cause you anxiety or panic.

Ask for a printed or electronic copy of your visit summary. Take the visit summary document home with you.

A young Asian man checking in at the doctor’s office.