Stay Safe - Introduction Module

The community is a wonderful place! It’s made up of new and interesting people, neighborhoods, jobs, homes, places to play and learn, and many ways to experience a good life! You all have a right to be fully included and involved in your communities.

Being more involved in your community means:

  • You will have new experiences.
  • You will meet new people.
  • You will have the opportunity to make a lot of new choices every day.
Neighborhood Scene

It is important to learn how to be safe and healthy in the community.

Through these web modules, you will learn many things about being healthy and safe.

  • Some of the things may be funny and some may be serious.
  • Some things might be hard to talk about.
  • Some things will be embarrassing.
  • This is a great way to learn to be honest with each other and get more involved!

The purpose of these web modules is for you to learn about feeling good about yourself and the importance of taking care of yourself. It is important for you to tell other people how you feel and what is important to you. You’ll learn about different relationships you can have with people.

You will also learn about things that can go wrong in relationships, but also how to prevent bad things from happening and what to do if you need help.