Thinking About Close Relationships, Drugs, and Smoking

Someday, you might want to have a boyfriend or girlfriend.

You might be interested in dating someone.

When people date, they may want to kiss each other and touch one another.

They may also want to have a closer relationship with the person they date. This is also called “having sex.”

You should learn about how to have a safe and healthy relationship.

This means learning about how to stay safe from sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), HIV, and pregnancy.

You should talk with your parents, teachers, or health care providers about how to have healthy and safe relationships.

You might be interested or wondering about smoking or vaping.

Cigarettes and vapes contain tobacco.

Using any kind of tobacco is not good for your body.

You should talk with your parents, teachers, or health care providers about the dangers of smoking or vaping.

Some people use drugs that are not prescribed by a doctor. This can make them very sick.

A picture of two hands holding each other.

Sometimes, people use the medications that their doctor prescribed in a way that is not right.

They may take the medication differently from what their doctor told them. This can make them very sick.

It is important that you only take medications or drugs that your doctor has prescribed and use them in the way they were ordered.

Using any kind of drugs or medications in any other way is not good for your body.

Don’t share your medications with other people, even if they ask you for them. Sharing your medications is dangerous and can make people sick.

If someone gives you any medications, drugs, or tobacco, always say “no.” They can make you very sick.

You should talk with your parents, teachers, or health care providers about the questions you have about drugs, tobacco, or medications.