Your Right to Bring a Support Person to Your Doctor's Visit

You decide if you want someone with you at your doctor’s visit.

Ask someone you trust to support you at your doctor’s visit if you need or want support. This can be a:

  • Family Member
  • Close Friend
  • Someone you trust
  • Paid Staff

You can tell the person exactly how to help you best at your doctor’s visit.

A support person can help with getting into and out of the doctor's office, car, or other health care setting.

A support person can remind you of things to talk or ask about at the health care appointment.

A support person can help by taking notes at the health care appointment.

You can ask a support person questions or ask for their advice.

A support person can discuss with you the good things or not so good things (also called “side effects”) of a medication or treatment. You make the decision.

A support person can help you ask the doctor questions.

Two White women sitting on grass smiling and having fun.