Try It

Write out 2 things that are good but could cause stress?

  1. _____________________________
  2. _____________________________

What is something that makes you feel stressed out?


Write out 1 way you cope or handle stress?


Write the names of 1 to 3 people who help you feel safe?

  1. _____________________________
  2. _____________________________
  3. _____________________________

Write three places where you can go and feel safe.

  1. _____________________________
  2. _____________________________
  3. _____________________________

With someone sitting by you (or a friend, family member, or caregiver), practice showing your feelings. Take turns showing the facial expressions you would have for each of these feelings:

  • Angry!
  • Scared!
  • Bored!
  • Surprised!
  • Happy!
  • Stressed out!